erllex - simple erlang sample lexer

A lexer analyses a character sequence and turns it into meaningful tokens. As an example: if we want to build a simple calculator we would have to lex <<"22 - 2011">> into something like [{number, 22}, {minus, -}, {number, 2011}]. There are different ways to build lexers. Some just split on whitespace while others are more refined. The easiest way to build something a bit more advanced is leveraging the power of regular expressions.

But enough with the theory. Let’s build a simple regex lexer in Erlang (while also tackling the issue of grepping subgroups in regex expressions with re)!

First, we don’t want to type our rules all the time so let’s quickly write up a function returning some for a simple calculator. Remember to use two \ since it is a escape character in Erlang as mentioned in re-docs:

-export([get_rules/0, tokenize/1, tokenize/2]).

get_rules() -> 

Next is our main entry point. tokenize takes the rules from earlier and turns them into a long, concatenated list and compiles it. Notice the anchored option to only get the first match to the ruleset.

Additionally we are going to prepare a namelist via re:inspect so we can later determine which of our subgroup actually got matched. For our rules it would be something like {namelist,[<<"IDENTIFIER">>,<<"MINUS">>,<<"NUMBER">>,<<"PLUS">>,<<"WHITESPACE">>]}, which is every name of every subgroup defined in get_rules.

Then we pass over to our main recursive loop get_tokens to actually do the lexing.

tokenize(BinaryString) ->
    tokenize(BinaryString, erllex:get_rules()).

tokenize(BinaryString, Rules) ->
    ConcatRules = concat_rules(Rules),
    {ok, CompiledRules} = re:compile(ConcatRules, [anchored]),
    {namelist, Namelist} = re:inspect(CompiledRules, namelist),
    get_tokens(BinaryString, CompiledRules, Namelist, []).

concat_rules(NaiveRuleset) ->
        fun(Rule, Acc) ->
            Rule ++ "|" ++ Acc

get_tokens is a standard recursive function and should look familiar to you if you did functional programming before.

The first clause covers our stop criteria. When our BinaryString is empty we simply return everything in our accumulator after reversing it. This is because we add new elements in the front of the list. Have a look at erlang-listhandling for more information on why we do that. Also have a look at concat_rules where we did the same but don’t need to reverse since we don’t care about the order.

If our input is not empty we re:run our compiled rules on it. We need the capture option so we get a match for each subgroup defined in our rules. Note that the result will not include the names of the subgroups, that is why we prepared Namelist which has the subgroup names in the same order as they are going to be returned by re:run.

As a next step we need to extract the matched subgroup via extract_token. You can think of it as a special version of lists:zip. As mentioned earlier the subgroup names in Namelist and the ones in Matchlist are in the same order. The rule that actually matched will be nonempty while the others are going to be empty (<<>>). Since we are only interested in the group that actually matched we drop empty Matches and stop as soon as we find one that is not. This results in a returned tuple in the form of {ok,{Identifier,Match}} or, if you prefer, {ok,{<<"NUMBER">>,<<"22">>}}.

Before we recursively call get_tokens again we need to drop the Match from our BinaryString via a Bit String Comprehension. With the next string prepared and our token put into the accumulator we are set for the next recursion.

get_tokens(<<>>, _Rules, _Namelist, Acc) ->
get_tokens(BinaryString, Rules, Namelist, Acc) ->
    {match, Matchlist} = re:run(BinaryString,Rules,[{capture,all_names,binary}]),
    {ok, Token} = extract_token(Namelist, Matchlist),
    {_, Matched} = Token,
    MatchedLength = byte_size(Matched),
    <<_Matched:MatchedLength/binary, NewBinaryString/binary>> = BinaryString,
    NewAcc = [Token | Acc],
    get_tokens(NewBinaryString, Rules, Namelist, NewAcc).

extract_token([_Name | Namelist], [<<>> | Matchlist]) ->
    extract_token(Namelist, Matchlist);
extract_token([Name | _Namelist], [Match | _Matchlist]) ->
    {ok, {Name, Match}};
extract_token(_, _) ->
    {error, nomatch}.

After compilation (erlc erllex.erl) we can hop into erl and test it.

1> erllex:tokenize(<<"22-11">>).
2> erllex:tokenize(<<"22 - Pi + 11">>).
 {<<"WHITESPACE">>,<<" ">>},
 {<<"WHITESPACE">>,<<" ">>},
 {<<"WHITESPACE">>,<<" ">>},
 {<<"WHITESPACE">>,<<" ">>},

The full source code can be found at erllex. Parser and formatter are next after extending the functionality of the lexer some more (different languages, …).

As an additional Note: Erlang ships with a fully featured lexical analyzer generator called leex.